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admin2 2023-11-09 装备发烧友 评论


本着刻苦学习、天天向上的原则,我努力整理了一些钓鱼知识,分享给广大钓鱼爱好者。 一方面可以不断提高自己的钓鱼知识水平,另一方面也希望能够帮助到有需要的钓友。





鱼钩由柄、钩柄、钩弯、钩尖、钩门、钩底六部分组成。 每个部分都有其特定的功能。

1、手柄又称钩轴,是指钩柄的最上部。 它唯一的作用是防止绑好的鱼线滑落。 手柄头有直平头、侧平头、圆头等各种形状,都要求厚度均匀,边缘要有一定的厚度,否则就会薄如刀刃,会很容易切断鱼线。

2、钩柄也叫钩柄,是从柄到钩弯的一段,上端用于扎线。 钩柄可长可短。 长钩柄适合挂蚯蚓、虫饵等长饵。 多用于捕捞、吞食凶猛鱼类。 长钩柄可以使鱼钩刺得更深,防止鱼逃走,也更容易脱钩。 使用面饵、米粒等小颗粒饵料垂钓时,建议选择钩柄短的鱼钩。

3、钩弯是鱼钩的弯曲部分。 它的主要作用是把鱼钩牢,同时在一定程度上减少鱼对鱼钩的拉力。 根据鱼钩形状的不同,弯钩也会有所不同,有圆形、方形、流线形、下斜形等。合理角度设计的弯钩可以增强鱼钩的抗拉强度。

4、钩尖,因为它首先作用于鱼嘴,所以要求鱼钩的钩尖必须锋利。 钩尖钝或虚尖不能牢牢地钩住鱼。 有些钩尖内部有倒刺。 倒刺不应太大或太小。 倒刺放置在钩尖的1/3处比较合适。 有倒刺的鱼钩的穿刺速度不如无倒刺的鱼钩快。 一旦被蜇到,鱼就很难挣脱。

5、钩门也叫钩口,是钩尖到钩柄的距离。 挂钩门的宽度与挂钩类型的尺寸成正比。 钩数越大,钩门越宽。 钩门宽的鱼钩适合钓口大的鱼,钩门窄的鱼钩适合钓口小的鱼。

6、钩底,又称钩深,是指从钩弯底部到钩尖的深度。 它可以分担鱼对钩尖的拉力。 钩底的深度也很有讲究。 如果太深,鱼就很难吞咽;如果太深,鱼就很难吞咽。 如果太浅,很容易导致鱼跑掉。



桑吉发现现在有很多鱼钩可供钓鱼的朋友选择。 每种钩子形状都有自己的特点。 针对不同的鱼种选择合适的鱼钩形状,将有助于提高鱼的捕获量。 如果钩形选择不同,太大,有时会造成漏鱼的遗憾。
















钩柄末端有一颗小磷粒,能发光。 在某些水域(深水)和亮度较差的天气下有效。 鱼的上钩率比普通鱼钩高,但是很多人在使用过程中发现线很容易断(磷)。 (拉点处断线))我常常后悔断线丢钩鱼逃走。 我有时想,这个钩不适合钓大鱼,还是钓小鱼比较好。

一种挂钩涂有荧光粉。 种类和尺寸很多,选择余地很大。




有些初学者往往喜欢用大钩,认为大钩力大,鱼难逃。 必须有一定的规模。 比如想钓500克以下的鱼,就用10号以上的鱼钩,想钓小鲫鱼,就用7号以上的鱼钩。 这些显然太大了。

大鱼和小鱼往往不能兼得。 钓鱼时,一定要有明确的目标。 钓大鱼,要用粗线的大钩。 相反,使用细线的小钩可以安全地捕获小鱼。

采用哪种策略要根据当时的具体鱼情而定。 有的钓友喜欢用中号的鱼钩,因为他们的型号介于大鱼钩和小鱼钩之间,所以他们认为这样的选择既能钓大鱼,又能钓小鱼。 然而,在实际钓鱼过程中,我们常常有这样的感觉:遇到大鱼,鱼钩太小,遇到小鱼,鱼钩太大。

我想说的并不是中型钩子不好,只是想告诉大家,大中小钩子都有自己的职责,最好不要让他们做超出自己能力范围的事情。 因此,必须根据目标鱼的种类和大小、喂食方法、饵料等因素,选择不同规格的鱼钩,这样才能最大限度地发挥鱼钩的性能。



钩门宽,钩柄短,钩尖钩在里面,钩条粗,鱼钩硬度好。 鱼吃进嘴里后很难吐出鱼钩,吃钩率比长柄鱼钩高。 一般适合钓鲤鱼、青鱼、草鱼等中大型鱼类,所以爆炸钩通常采用这种钩型,下面介绍一下。 爆炸钩。


钩门窄,钩柄长,钩尖向外倾斜,钩条细。 适合钓中小型鲫鱼、鲮鱼、鲻鱼等。

另外,伊豆还衍生出了钩轴多刺、容易挂蚯蚓的钩轴伊豆、钩轴有环的环伊豆、钩轴扁的钩伊豆、双倒刺的双刺伊豆。钩尖上无刺伊豆sure等,这里提到的福伊豆、环伊豆、双刺伊豆、伊豆sure等小鱼没有相关图片。 希望了解较多的钓友能够提供。


钩杆超薄,钩体轻,手柄长,钩门窄,钩尖直,重量轻。 具有灵敏度高、刺鱼速度快的特点。 这种钩型适合吸食速度快的小型鱼类。 快钓最适合钓小鲫鱼、小白条。

4. Chimata鱼钩:CHINU

这种钩有倒刺,多为长柄,钩尖向内弯曲,与钩柄不平行而向外倾斜(俗称“歪钩”)。 鱼吞下后很难吐出鱼钩并逃脱。 是主要用于钓海鱼的钩形,但与丸濑钩有不同的特点:钩条稍粗而扁,钩底呈圆形,钩尖向内弯曲,钩柄较长。 适合钓体型大、凶猛、威力大的海鱼,如黑鲷、红鲷等,也可钓鲤鱼、草鱼等。


钩柄尾端弯成圆形,钩形与千幽相同。 鱼线通过钩柄的环系在鱼钩上,线系牢,可以钓到较大的鱼。 多用于捕捉海中凶猛的鱼类。 鱼吃钩后很难逃脱。


日本哈利米兹直角管钩又称为强力铁板钩。 是专门用于海船钓大鱼的强力鱼针。 铁板钩的目标鱼有大型白带鱼、石斑鱼、青针鱼等,三角齿钩尖设计锋利。 无与伦比的双向设计可以满足钓友的不同需求。





Senmata 钩比普通的 Iseni 钩更大。 Senmata的钩尖是直的,而普通Senmata的钩尖是弯曲的,并且钩柄比Iseni更长。

Senta是专门用来钓鲷鱼的日本鱼钩,鱼钩的强度非常高。 在我国,我们一般喜欢用它来钓大青鱼、草鱼、鲤鱼。




有倒刺,钩柄比伊塞尼短,钩杆较粗,钩体呈针弧形。 出鱼率高,适合钓鲤鱼、草鱼、鲻鱼。

9. MARUSEIGO(特殊长度钩柄、外钩)


11.Stream KEIRYU(细钩条、短钩柄、直钩尖)

溪钩是钓鱼中最常用的钩型。 钩尖锋利,有倒刺,钩门开度适中,钩柄短,钩尖直,重量轻。 它粘鱼速度快,不易逃脱。 非常适合钓中小型鱼,特别是喜欢钓鲫鱼的。 不应该错过。


挂钩上有一根透明橡胶管,可以防止挂钩缠绕。 六个鱼钩在红色尼龙的强大拉力下呈环状张开。 中间的弹簧设计,可以快速诱饵捕捉来自各个方向的鱼种,大大增加鱼的数量。 得到。 适合淡水抛钓,可钓青鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼、鳊鱼、鲫鱼。 挂臭饵可以钓鲢鳙。



饵料支架下部不易陷入泥中。 底部是自重的。 两侧的开口始终面向上侧。 每侧埋有 3 个钩子。 排列密集,上鱼的几率较高。 吃下去肯定会上钩。 饵料利用率高,不易散落。 收钩时不易抓底,自重不需要使用额外的铅块。



解决抛竿时钩组容易挂底的问题,告别钩断、钩损的烦恼。 隐藏钩装置由铅锌锡合金制成。




盘钩是新推出的专利产品。 具有多入口钩、不易脱鱼、不伤鱼、易挑鱼、不易挂在地上、节省饵料等特点。





这种爆炸钩易于携带和存放。 不扎手,不挂衣服。 组装快速且易于使用。 能适应更广泛的饵料条件。 饵面必须朝上,鱼钩和饵料在水中不会分离,保证长期有效的钓鱼。 鱼钩系有软线,很容易被鱼吞食。 脑线长度可调,钩子和线不缠结。 6个钩子使用时排列平整,均为有效钩子。 增加捕获鱼的机会。 收回时,钩组向水面漂浮,很少挂在水底。 不怕泥。



13. 串钩

它可以在淡水和海水中使用。 它由五个以上的鱼钩等距离地系在子线上组成。 绑法一般有两种:一根子线上多个鱼钩和子线上的支线多个钩。 底部有铅坠或饵笼,可钓不同水层的鱼。




主要特点是鱼钩无倒刺、钩尖短。 技术不熟练的人很容易丢鱼,但这是渔业未来的发展方向。 因为无刺鱼钩挑鱼快,而且不会给鱼带来太大的痛苦,体现了人道主义。


天钩,又称立钩或重钩,是传统钓法中常用的钩型。 鱼钩入水后,在浮漂浮力(向上)的作用下,钩尖始终向上,有利于鱼寻钩、咬钩,上钩率较高。 一般情况下,信号表现为浮起或缓慢上升,大小鱼均可使用。 尤其是在容易挂底的水域钓鱼时,使用向上的钩是最好的选择,并且可以在不同的季节使用。

江南地区钓鱼者喜爱的鱼钩。 在裸钩的钩柄上加一个锡重物。 鱼钩入水后,钩尖与河底平行,不易被水草和淤泥埋没。 鱼很容易找到饵料,吸鱼方便,上钩率高。


17. 低音钩

雨渐渐停了。 我轻轻地走在青石台阶上,收起油纸伞,站在一座小石桥上。 扶手上的雨滴,就像一颗颗晶莹剔透的水珠。 一。 他们在吵闹地谈论什么? 他们看似依依不舍,但随后春风吹过,你侧耳倾听。 “滴答”的一声,雨滴落入水中,激起层层涟漪。


挪威钩的特点是钩尖锋利,钩长。 鱼的上钩率高,几乎不可能脱钩。 但钩条较薄,硬度不够。



19. 乌龟钩(折返钩)

这种鱼钩最大的特点是:鱼只要咬住鱼钩,就无法再自行脱钩,所以用这种鱼钩钓鱼不需要监督,也不需要技巧,所以又被称为懒鱼钩! ! 重点关注甲鱼、鲶鱼和鲻鱼。


小射鱼在了解了饵料之后发现,饵料的种类太多了,这里就不一一介绍了。 有时间我会写一篇关于诱饵的介绍。


湖北宜昌78岁的梁恩菊发明了一种新型捕鱼器。 这种钓鱼装置不需要浮漂,甚至不需要鱼竿,不怕风,也不怕漂浮物。 可以保证90%的鱼吃钩后不会脱钩! 无论您是钓鱼高手还是新手,都可以轻松驾驭,实现钓大鱼的梦想。


解决了钓鱼后子线缠绕、打结后抗拉强度下降的问题。 饵料可以挂在上面,像活饵一样移动,增加上鱼率。

23. 鱿鱼钩 鱿鱼钩

雨渐渐停了。 我轻轻地走在青石台阶上,收起油纸伞,站在一座小石桥上。 扶手上的雨滴,就像一颗颗晶莹剔透的水珠。 一。 他们在吵闹地谈论什么? 他们看似依依不舍,但随后春风吹过,你侧耳倾听。 “滴答”的一声,雨滴落入水中,激起层层涟漪。

24. 大刀鱼

鱼钩主要用来钓剑鱼(带鱼),也有经典的全海专用鱼钩,比如下面这款,采用超合金材质,更轻、更硬、更韧。 是海钓高手的必备品。

25. 铅头钩



独特的鱼形铅头设计,重心向下,旋转柳叶亮片。 它综合了VIB、软虫和亮片在中上水层搜索时的优点。 跳到底部时的自然角度无需繁琐的技术,是畅销产品。 已在欧美使用多年,是全天候各水域搜索的有力工具!




首先我们来看看鱼钩的外观。 目前,市场上常见的鱼钩颜色主要有黑色、白色和黄色。 白色为基本色,黑色是在白钩上镀一层黑镍而成,黄色是镀铜,金色钩是镀铜。 添加了金元素(其作用是抗氧化)。 无论鱼钩表面是镀金、镀银还是镀黑,都要求镀层均匀,外观光亮,钩条光滑圆润,无凹凸不平的斑点。

其次,优质的鱼钩应该锋利、灵活、强度高。 这也是制造鱼钩所采用的优质材料和精湛工艺的集中体现。 对于高强度鱼钩来说,钢丝原材料具有较高的强度和硬度。 此外,鱼钩还必须具有较高的刚性、弹性、抗疲劳性和耐腐蚀性。 如果鱼钩的钩尖不够锋利,刺穿性能就会很差,优质的鱼钩必须能够轻松刺穿鱼的嘴。 鱼钩的柔韧性体现在所用钢材的碳含量上。 如果碳含量太高,鱼钩就会变脆,扭曲或拉伸时会立即断裂; 碳含量太低,鱼钩的抗拉强度会降低,容易断裂。 鱼挺直身子。 因此,优质的鱼钩应根据鱼钩的大小和鱼竿的粗细,表现出适当的抗拉强度、良好的穿透力和一定的韧性。




一般来说,鱼钩的比重与钩杆的粗细成正比。 即同一品牌、同一型号、同一形状的鱼钩,钩条越粗,重量越大,抗拉强度越大; 反之,钩条越粗,钩条越粗。 重量越薄、越轻,抗拉强度越小。

由此不难看出,不同比重的鱼钩具有不同的功能。 重量较重的鱼钩比较耐用,多用于钓较大的鱼或凶猛的肉食性鱼。

轻型鱼钩的优点相对较多。 我们知道淡水鱼大多是通过吸入来进食的。 鱼钩的重量越轻,越容易被鱼吸进嘴里。 另外,凭借其较强的穿刺能力,中鱼率比较高; 缺点是如果使用太硬的鱼竿或遇到奋力挣扎的鱼,鱼钩很容易被拉开或拉直,导致鱼跑掉。



根据不同的鱼种、鱼情、不同的钓鱼方法,鱼钩的形状有不同的设计。 据资料显示,种类有上千种。

厂家在设计这些不同类型的鱼钩时,充分考虑了垂钓水域、鱼种、鱼体大小、鱼类生活习性和摄食特性等的差异,因此每种鱼钩都有合理的适用范围,这就需要钓鱼者不断地试图在实践中弄清楚。 下面我就根据淡水钓鱼常用的一些钩型及其特点来简单介绍一下。


顾名思义,就是鱼钩的底部是圆的,从钩尖到后弯的过渡比较光滑,没有明显的棱角。 其特点是钩门适中,钩尖向内倾斜,钩尖呈圆形,受力点呈圆形。 分布均匀,钩体坚硬有力,鱼上钩后不易脱钩。 此类钩有伊豆钩、丸野钩、伊势尼等,其中伊势尼是圆形钩中最具代表性的。 可以钓鲫鱼、鳊鱼等小鱼,也可以钓凶猛有力的青鱼、鳊鱼。 对草、鲤鱼等大型鱼类也表现良好,因此钓友称其为“万能钩”,是自然水域战斗的必备工具。


它的形状像一个袖子,钩的底部比较直,钩尖和钩柄之间的过渡角度比较明显。 袖钩的特点是钩柄长、钩门窄、钩杆细、钩尖锋利。 因此具有进场方便、刺鱼直达、卸鱼方便快捷的特点。 用于体小口大的钓鱼。 较小的鱼是最好的。 常见的袖钩主要有金袖、白袖、黑袖、流线袖、秋田袖、万能袖等,它们之间的区别主要体现在鱼钩的颜色和钩条的粗细上。 The barbless gold sleeve, black sleeve and white sleeve hooks are the sharp tools used by many competitive fishermen to catch the target fish (crucian carp). Because of their simple design and strong practicality, they are also widely used in wild fishing.

Barbless Hook:

It is named because there are no barbs on the inside of the hook tip. With the popularity of hand-pole suspension fishing, it is widely used in competitive competitions and recreational fishing. The characteristics of the barbless hook are that it can stab fish quickly, feed bait quickly, and pick fish quickly and easily. It does not have the problems of hooking the net and protecting the fish easily, and it can also play a certain role in protecting fish. Its disadvantage is that there are no barbs on the hook. When using insect bait, it will easily slip off the hook due to the wriggling and struggling of the insect bait. It is only suitable for using commercial bait or plant bait with a certain degree of stickiness. Nowadays, many fishing friends are worried that using barbless hooks will easily cause fish to run away. 这其实是一个误区。 In fact, as long as the fish signal can be accurately captured, the timing of lifting the rod is grasped in time, and the flexibility of the fishing rod is fully utilized, the phenomenon of fish running away is normal. Rarely happens.

Barbed hook:

Fishhooks with barbs at the inner lower end of the hook tip or barbs in other parts are called barbed hooks. Fishing friends who like traditional fishing with hand rods most commonly use this type of fishhook because earthworms are commonly used for fishing in natural waters. For live baits such as worms and red worms, the barbs on the hook can prevent the live bait from slipping off. In addition, after the fish is hooked, it is difficult for the fish to escape from the hook due to the effect of the barbs. However, the shortcomings of barbed hooks are also obvious. It is difficult for fish to bite the hook into the fish's mouth; it will cause great harm to the fish caught in the hook and accelerate the death of the fish; it is slow to pick fish, which delays time and is not suitable for competitive fishing; careless It is difficult to remove the hook when the clothes is hooked.

Selection of fishhook:

Fishhook introduction

Proper selection of fishhook is the key to catching good fish. However, there are so many types of fish hooks that it often makes people confused and at a loss as to what to do. Let's briefly talk about how to choose fishhooks in different waters, different fish conditions, different fish sizes, etc.

(1) Selection of recreational fishing hooks

Recreational fishing is mostly carried out in natural waters such as reservoirs, rivers, and wild ponds. There are many types of fish in these waters, with different sizes and complex fish conditions. However, there are still rules to follow when choosing fish hooks. Whether you are using the traditional fishing method or the hanging fishing method, you should first understand as much as possible the types, sizes, density, etc. of fish in the fishing waters. Secondly, you should determine your main target fish. For example, if you want to catch carp, grass carp, herring, etc. For large fish, you can choose Iseni with barbs or New Kanto without barbs according to the fishing method. In short, the fishhook is required to have a sharp hook tip, a strong hook body, and is not easy to escape fish. If you are mainly fishing for fish with low impact such as crucian carp and bream, it is more suitable to choose various sleeve hooks.

(2) Selection of fishhook in competitive fishing

Fishing competitions are a test of the overall quality of fishermen, requiring both speed and composure. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the configuration of fishing groups, especially the selection of fishhook.

1. Fishing for polyculture fish is based on weight. Most fishermen will target larger fish. In the first game of the competition or when it has been confirmed that there are mostly grass, carp and other high-impact fish in the competition pool, the hook The selection of hooks is relatively simple, as long as they are barbless hooks with strong hook strips and sharp hook tips, such as OC, New Kanto, Izu hooks, etc. However, as the fish situation changes, for example, in the last few games of the competition, the fish are frightened and the big fish stops opening their mouths. We should promptly replace the fishing rig with a thinner one and use it with a small fishing rig used to catch crucian carp and bream. Hook, strive to win with more.

2. When fishing crucian carp, most competitive fishermen will use barbless sleeve hooks as their first choice, such as the currently commonly used Jinxiang, Tufeifu, and Dayiji. However, the fish conditions we encounter in the competition are different and the fishing methods used are different. We need to be very selective in the selection of fishhook.

1) Fast fish are mostly characterized by a high density of fish, a strong desire to feed, and the tendency to swallow the bait immediately. Regardless of bottom fishing or floating fishing, the time for the hook bait to be in place must be as short as possible. This is You can choose a sleeve hook with a slightly thick hook bar and a slightly larger front fold angle. It has the characteristics of fast fish stabbing, high fish catch rate, and quick fish removal. It can effectively increase the frequency and amount of fish caught.

2) Smooth-mouthed fish are divided into two types: messy mouth fish and scornful mouth fish. The so-called loose mouth means that the fish eats the bait quickly and spits out the bait quickly. For this situation, you can choose a sleeve hook with a hook door that is one to two sizes larger than the normal hook and a sharp hook tip to allow the fish to eat the bait without spitting it out. , thereby increasing the hit rate; for fish that eat lightly and are slow to catch fish, you can only use a small sleeve hook with thin hook strips and light weight.

3) When rubbing bait for fishing, the length of the hook tip of the sleeve hook should be moderate, because the shape of the bait on the hand does not affect the fish stinging, and if the hook tip is too long, it will be difficult to enter the fish.

4) When using bait, it is best to use a sleeve hook with a slightly longer hook handle and hook tip. This can prevent wheat protein from hanging on the hook handle, thus reducing false fish messages and empty rods.

The selection of fishhook should also match the diameter of the fishing line: thinner fishing lines should be matched with fishhook suitable for fishing small fish, whereas when fishing large fish, thick lines should be used with Iseni, Kanto and other hooks. In actual fishing, reasonable selection should be made based on factors such as the density of fish in the fishing site, the size of the fish, personal hook and bait habits, seasonal climate and other factors, which is the real way to use hooks.

Fishing tips

Fish hook source

First, domestically produced hooks such as Wuxi's "Iron Anchor" fishhooks, Changzhou's Fan Ruchun Factory's fishhooks, and Wuhu Fishhook Factory's fishhooks are mostly traditional folk crafts. The hook tips are sharp, properly quenched, and the performance is good. The shape is also good.

Second, the performance and quality of fishhooks produced by Sino-foreign joint ventures are between domestic hooks and imported hooks. The production technology is more advanced, the output is high, the production is fast, and the price is reasonable.

Third, imported fishhooks, such as those produced in Japan, Norway, and Germany, have better performance and quality, especially Japanese fishhooks are very popular. Japanese Iseni fish hooks are available in three colors: black, white and yellow.


[Underwater real shots] Fishing with shrimps on fish hooks, the process of fish eating the hook, I gained a lot of experience!

【Folk Bait】Special effect bait is made, so you don't have to worry about carp fishing in autumn!

[Fishing bait] Illustration of drawing fishing bait

If you don't want to fish with a cheap fishing friend, just do it!

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